非飞扬 发表于 2008-3-28 17:08:48


前几天在网上申请了HOTSPOT FXR的真实账户,在HOT主页上面选择ASIA区域进去,然后根据提示一步步填写有关内容的,第二天收到了被拒的信件内容如下(想请教下,有没有在HOT有真实账户的朋友,是怎么开户的)

We have received an online application from you to open an account with our London affiliate. Unfortunately our London affiliate does not accept accounts that are resident in mainland China; you would have to open an account with our head office here in the US. In reviewing your proof of address, etc that you supplied, I notice that your bank is in Shanghai. We can only accept accounts from mainland China that are able to supply funds from an offshore source (ie Hong Kong)Unfortunately at this time we cannot accept funds from banks in mainland China. If you can provide funds from an offshore source we can proceed with the application.
Please let me know if you can accommodate this request.

redstart 发表于 2008-3-28 17:32:14


非飞扬 发表于 2008-3-28 18:09:16


redstart 发表于 2008-3-28 18:32:28

东亚银行(好像没月费 但感觉名气小)


非飞扬 发表于 2008-3-28 19:01:50

多谢楼上:victory: ,HOTSPOT现在最小可以交易1000的单子,这样用7500开户的话,要比IB条件好了不少,IB如果每次下单量为2.5万的话,佣金算起来挺高的(因为有最低佣金限制)

www 发表于 2008-4-2 11:22:55

我也被拒,感觉hotspotfx 对中国了解不深。不过找到一个更好的,adm,currenex 平台,$14/M,世界百强,比hotspotfx 和ib 更经济,可直接和他们联系。

linx 发表于 2008-4-2 21:59:14


wiseworth 发表于 2008-4-9 11:37:59


Hotspot FX目前只有美国方接受中国客户,如果您想开设真实账户请选择美国系统。已经有中国客人成功开户了,如果您有任何疑问,请致电垂询:
KaiYang Building,6F, DingXi Road,Shanghai, China   200052
Phone:+8621 6116 9270
Fax:+8621 6116 9378
Email: tina.xu@wise-worth.com; brenda.yu@wise-worth.com


遮天 发表于 2011-7-7 03:02:11

wnguang 发表于 2011-10-11 20:30:30

:lol :) :time: :kiss: :handshake :hug: :victory: :call: :( :L :Q :loveliness: :D :'( :@ :o
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